The Heidelberg Side Stop OS C5.072.227 positions the paper accurately during printing in printing presses. It ensures correct printing and prevents misalignments or waste.
Key functions:
- Accurate paper positioning: control the lateral movement of the paper, ensuring that it is printed in the correct position.
- Paper size adjustment: They can accommodate different paper sizes and formats.
- Registration control: Maintain proper registration between the paper and the printing plate, ensuring that colours and images are printed correctly.
- Waste reduction: By preventing misalignment, side stops help reduce paper waste.
Specifications for Heidelberg Side Stop OS C5.072.227 in printing presses:
- Adjustment range: The Side Stop can accommodate a range of movement.
- Accuracy: The precision with which the Side Stop can position the paper.
- Speed: The speed at which the Side Stop can adjust its position.
- Durability: The Side Stop’s ability to withstand the rigours of printing press operation.